The Play’s The Thing – Twice!

Katoomba playwrights
Playwrights involved in the play-reading series. Back, L-R: Yours truly, Belle Buttrose, Mark O’Flynn, Larry Buttrose; front, L-R: Ingle Knight. Stephen Measday.

Readers who are vaguely curious about my writing outside of being a music or theatre critic may be interested in two forthcoming play-readings. This Saturday my play The Last Drop is being read, and on Saturday April 27 it is the turn of Guilt.

The Last Drop is set in a future devoid of water and civilisation, where the  love between Joe and Mary is withering. Their struggle to scratch out an existence changes forever when the larger-than-life Valentino and Esmeralda stumble upon them. For all its bleakness the play has a darkly comic strain. The cast includes the very funny Tiriel Mora.

Guilt has been championed by no less a force in world theatre than Steven Berkoff, who was brave enough to suggest it could revolutionise Australian theatre“. I have a subtitled it An Opera Without Music, which implies something of the scale and intensity in this tale of lust, lies and the intersection between sexual and religious rapture. The cast includes Chris Garbadi, Helmet Baikaitis and Joanne Samuel.

Both rehearsed readings are hosted by Katoomba Theatre Company as part of its The Turning Leaf program, and are held in the Library of the beautiful Carrington Hotel at 7pm. Cost is $10/$7. You can book on line at