John Shand | Music & Other Spheres Posts

July 29, 2016 / Concert Reviews - Archive

Foundry 616, July 8 8/10 If a carnation could sing it might sound something like Steve Ross: light, mellifluous and guileless. His was never a big voice, but nor has the New York cabaret singer/pianist lost much power or range now he is of a certain age. Suave, agile and…

July 27, 2016 / Theatre Reviews - Archive

Hayes Theatre, July 1 7/10 If part of the point of cabaret is to give insight into the person behind the roles on stage or screen, then Simon Burke’s Something About Always certainly ticks the box, and an immensely likable person emerges. The 70-minute show begins with footage from Fred…

July 22, 2016 / Theatre Reviews - Archive

Ensemble Theatre, July 21 7/10 Harold Pinter wrote Betrayal with almost Shakespearian detachment. Despite all three lead characters betraying at least one of the others, no one’s behaviour is portrayed as villainous and no one is even deemed to be at fault. Perhaps this detachment is unsurprising, given that Pinter…