Category: Theatre Reviews – Archive

April 30, 2018 / Theatre Reviews - Archive

Reginald Theatre, April 7 9/10 This is dangerous theatre. You feel it testing your responses, stamina, patience and involvement. It’s asking you to enter into a pact: if you accept that a play which could have lasted two hours is going to last for three, you will be rewarded with…

April 22, 2018 / Theatre Reviews - Archive

Eternity Playhouse, April 4, until April 22 5.5/10 Dehumanising them was the political masterstroke. If the people rotting in offshore detention had no names and no stories, how could we begin to care about them? Depoliticising her play was Mary Anne Butler’s masterstroke. Had her protagonist, Hamed Mokri, been subjected…

April 21, 2018 / Theatre Reviews - Archive

Drama Theatre, April 3, until May 19 8/10 The play begins and ends with the sound of waves; with the rhythm of inevitability. And yet in between it keeps you wondering. Will it become soggily sentimental? Will some devastating secret be revealed? Will the underlying resentments explode? And for just…