John Shand | Music & Other Spheres Posts

December 28, 2016 / Concert Reviews - Archive

Kindlehill Performance Space, December 4 8/10 Not that I was there, but it’s safe to say that the Alleluias – modal sacred songs – of the Byzantine Church didn’t sound like this in the sixth century. Pieces created for unaccompanied voices were being realised by Adam Simmons’ soprano saxophone and…

December 24, 2016 / Concert Reviews - Archive

Foundry 616, December 3 8/10 All music that is not idle display is a dialogue of sorts. Across this night came dialogues between music and room, music and audience, players and compositions, players and their instruments, improvisers and their collaborators and even between the first act and the second. In…

December 19, 2016 / Concert Reviews - Archive

Blue Mountains Theatre, November 25 9/10 Too often in music where improvisation plays a central role a string section is merely used perfunctorily, providing sweetening, padding or wallpaper. Paul Cutlan’s writing for string quartet is infinitely more sophisticated. In place of either blandness or shock-tactics it pursues the nuanced development…