John Shand | Music & Other Spheres Posts

February 27, 2018 / Album Reviews - Archive

YIELD (Off-Label) 8.5/10 If the knowledge that a solo pianist is playing a Steinway even infinitesimally narrows your idea of how this album may sound, forget it, because post-production treatments have been used in ways that are both disorienting and enchanting. It is like hearing a piano conversing with its…

February 25, 2018 / Uncategorized

Lennox Theatre, February 4 9/10   Of late the Necks’ three members have routinely charted three parallel courses in their long improvisations, with points of intersection or convergence being optional. Here they responded to one another harmonically and rhythmically for most of both journeys, and the totality of the interaction…

February 24, 2018 / Concert Reviews - Archive

Sound Lounge, February 3 7/10 Divide artists into the knowing and the innocent, and the late Allan Browne would muck in with the latter. Despite the sophistication he brought to his drumming, poetry and band-leading, his was inherently naive art, made with child-like glee. Paul Grabowsky described him as “the…