John Shand | Music & Other Spheres Posts

Concert Hall, April 8 6/10 I once attended a Peter Sarstedt concert (yes, really), and of course the entire audience was only there to hear Where Do You Go to (My Lovely)? to the extent that, had he played it first rather than last, everyone would probably have bolted after…

April 30, 2018 / Theatre Reviews - Archive

Reginald Theatre, April 7 9/10 This is dangerous theatre. You feel it testing your responses, stamina, patience and involvement. It’s asking you to enter into a pact: if you accept that a play which could have lasted two hours is going to last for three, you will be rewarded with…

April 26, 2018 / Album Reviews - Archive

ORGANICO ( 7/10 It’s a quite particular form of excitement generated at the intersection where the precision and energy of multi-member percussion sections collide. Multiple percussionists are found in spectacularly diverse contexts, from the minimalism of Steve Reich to South India’s Carnatic music; from the Middle-East to the profusion of…