Category: Concert Reviews – Archive

October 9, 2015 / Concert Reviews - Archive

Verbrugghen Hall, October 1 This sort of thing can change lives, turning wannabe musicians into the real thing. Robert Burke and Paul Grabowsky have been blessing the students at Monash University’s Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music by commissioning major works and facilitating collaborations between the Monash Art Ensemble (MAE)…

October 3, 2015 / Concert Reviews - Archive

Foundry 616, September 22 Had Australia employed offshore processing on New Zealanders the local jazz scene would be a shadow of itself. For over half a century migration across the Tasman has bolstered the number and quality of creative musicians in Sydney, long a logical next step for Kiwis seeking…

October 2, 2015 / Concert Reviews - Archive

Concert Hall, September 20 The sniping right, which loves to lampoon the ’60s as the decade of self-indulgence, is blind to the benign optimism and the steely resolve that underpinned the belief in the potential for change. Indeed what attracted people to Joan Baez in those heady days, besides the…